With a display of true patriotism, the Mexican Embassy in the Republic of Singapore commemorated women’s leadership and 214 years of independence with a special event.

The event took place at the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton Towers, located on Scotts Road, last Friday. Mexico’s national day was on Monday.

Members of the Singaporean government, the foreign diplomatic corps, and the Mexican community gathered to support the magnificent celebration. The event’s guest of honor was Singaporean Minister of State for Education & Manpower Gan Siow Huang.

Viva Mexico, Viva Singapore

During his speech, His Excellency Agustin Garcia-Lopez Loaeza highlighted the important role played by women, both in his country and in Singapore. The three branches of government in the United Mexican States, including the recently elected president, are led by women.

The Mexican ambassador, who is also the dean of the diplomatic corps in Singapore, spoke of the decades of bilateral relations between the two nations. Significant milestones have been achieved, the most recent being the port call of the legendary navy vessel Cuauhtemoc.

The evening was an emotional reflection of the love and loyalty one holds for their country. This sentiment was not only expressed by the waving of the Mexican flag by the head of mission but also through the delicious food, the toasts with Jalisco’s tequila, and the mariachi spirit embodied in the folkloric dances and music performed that night.

Resounding through the evening was Ambassador Garcia-Lopez Loaeza’s shout: “¡Viva Mexico!”
