Tourism Malaysia has launched a range of birdwatching travel packages in a bid to show travelers a different side of the Southeast Asian country.

The Malaysia Birdwatching Paradise 2023 package includes 15 tour packages offered by different tour operators. They will be running until the end of March 2024.  

The birdwatching activities covered in these packages span across the states of Sabah, Sarawak, Pahang, Kedah, and Terengganu. 

The offerings include a four-hour birding experience on the island of Langkawi and a 7-day, 6-night itinerary in the eastern state of Sarawak.

The seven travel operators offering the packages are Danz Travel & Adventure, Natural History Tours, Ping Anchorage Travel & Tours, Borneo Nature Tours, Tabin Wildlife Holidays, Inter-Borneo Tours, and Borneo Birding Tours.

Peace in nature

Birding is not just a leisurely activity; it embodies a profound philosophy that extends beyond the mere observation different bird of species.  

Birdwatching is a contemplative pursuit that transcends the act of just ‘watching birds’. It embodies a profound philosophy of connection and awareness of oneself, others, and the natural world. 

Rooted in the quietude of nature, birding becomes a mindful practice, offering a moment to forget bustling city-led lives and connect with oneself, those around you and nature itself. 

In this pursuit, people not only find solace in the therapeutic rhythm of nature but also gain a chance to move their bodies as birding often involves walking in natural settings. 

Malaysia’s bird population

“Malaysia is fortunate to have approximately 873 bird species, representing 7.4% of the global population. Among them, 91 species are either endemic or nearly endemic and can only be found in this country,” said Ammar Ghapar, the director general of Tourism Malaysia.  

Some of the highlighted species include the Blue-banded Pitta, Bornean Frogmouth, Bornean Barbet, Mountain Serpent Eagle, Mountain Rail Babbler, Crested Shrikejay, Barred Eagle Owl, Oriental Bay Owl, Dulit Frogmouth, Black Oriole, Hose’s Broadbill, and Bornean Frogmouth.