Navigating the legal landscape in Singapore as an ambassador and finding expert legal services for diplomats comes with its own unique set of challenges and considerations.

From understanding complex local regulations to managing cross-border legal issues, diplomats often find themselves in need of specialized legal guidance.

To provide insight into these complexities and how they can be effectively managed, Diplomatic Network (Asia) spoke with Lee Soo Chye, the managing director of Oaks Legal LLC and a DNA member.

In this exclusive interview, Lee shares his expertise on the specific legal needs of diplomats, handling cultural differences in law, legacy planning, and everything in between.

The name “Oaks” represents strength and steadfastness. How do these qualities influence your approach to legal practice and client interactions? 

    Our philosophy is also deeply influenced by our cultural roots, symbolized in our Chinese name, “栎義” (lì yì), which cleverly integrates traditional and modern elements. The name draws from the oak tree, known as “栎树” (lì shù) in Chinese, reflecting our blend of strength and tradition. The radical “乐” (lè/yuè) in “栎” (lì) represents joy and music, resonating with our goal to bring joy and benefit – “利益” (lì yì), which sounds similar to our name and means benefit in Chinese – to our clients and business partners. 

    The essence of “Oaks,” representing strength and steadfastness, deeply influences our approach to legal practice. Our motto is Listen, Advise, Guide. This philosophy ensures that we provide unwavering support and robust legal solutions to our clients. By embodying these qualities, we aim to offer a foundation of reliability and trust, which are crucial in fostering long-lasting client relationships and delivering consistent, effective results. 

    While we are driven to stay relevant and forward-thinking, we remain mindful of the traditions and lessons from the past. This balance helps us navigate the complexities of modern legal challenges while retaining the wisdom and integrity that have long defined the legal profession. 

    Through this blend of steadfast values, cultural depth, and a forward-looking approach, Oaks Legal LLC ensures a legal service that is not only effective but also enriching and aligned with the highest standards of the profession. 

    How does Oaks Legal cater to the specific legal needs of diplomats and their families? What areas of practice would be most useful to the diplomat abroad?  

    Our services for diplomats are centred around confidentiality, efficiency, and an in-depth understanding of international and local laws. We recognize that diplomats often face unique legal issues that require not only expertise in law but also a high degree of discretion and cultural awareness. 

    Areas of practice beneficial for diplomats abroad: 

    1. Immigration and residency: We assist with visa applications, residency permits, and other immigration-related matters that are crucial for diplomats and their families living abroad. 
    1. Real estate: Whether it’s leasing or purchasing property, we provide legal advice tailored to the needs of diplomats, including negotiations, contract review, and understanding local property laws. 
    1. Tax compliance and planning: Understanding the tax implications in their host country and how it interacts with their home country’s tax regulations is vital. We offer guidance on tax planning and compliance, helping diplomats navigate the complexities of international taxation. 

    Can you provide examples of collaborations or partnerships Oaks Legal has with embassies or diplomatic missions in Singapore? 

      Oaks Legal LLC has fostered strong collaborations with various embassies and diplomatic missions in Singapore to provide comprehensive legal services. Our partnerships focus on facilitating legal support for diplomats and associated entities, ensuring smooth transitions and compliance with local regulations. 

      Oaks Legal  works with embassies to offer notary services. For example, a South American embassy recently directed us to help the National University of Singapore with notarizing essential documents for their international academic community. 

        We also provide legal guidance for embassies and their business affiliates looking to establish or expand their operations in Singapore, covering everything from corporate formation to regulatory compliance. 

          Through these initiatives, Oaks Legal LLC enhances its engagement with the diplomatic community, providing tailored legal solutions that support their unique needs while promoting effective international relations. 

          Can you share a notable case or project in the corporate and commercial law sector that highlights your firm’s expertise? 

            At Oaks Legal LLC, our expertise in corporate and commercial law is demonstrated through our extensive involvement in complex transactions across the ASEAN region, including markets like China, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. A notable case that highlights our firm’s proficiency involved advising on the sale and purchase of shares in various companies, a project that required intricate knowledge of cross-border legal frameworks. 

            Oaks Legal LLC successfully facilitated the sale of a majority stake in a firm that spread across multiple jurisdictions. This case required not only a deep understanding of the legal intricacies of each region but also the ability to navigate cultural differences and align multiple legal frameworks. Our team’s expertise was pivotal in the seamless execution of this transaction. 

            What are some of the common challenges clients face in inheritance, succession, and legacy planning, and how does Oaks Legal help them navigate these challenges? 

              Inheritance, succession, and legacy planning are areas of law that are deeply personal and often emotionally charged, involving not just the transmission of wealth but also the values and legacies that families wish to preserve for future generations. At Oaks Legal, we understand that these matters touch the very core of family relationships and require a sensitive, thoughtful approach. 

              Common challenges: 
              Clients often face challenges in ensuring that their wealth and values are passed on effectively without causing discord or misunderstanding among heirs. These challenges include: 

              • Clarifying objectives: Clients need to articulate their goals not only regarding wealth distribution but also in terms of the values they wish to pass down. 
              • Complex family dynamics: Each family’s situation is unique, and often complicated by mixed families, previous marriages, or differing expectations among heirs. 
              • Legal and tax implications: Navigating the legal and tax consequences of transferring assets, especially in cases involving multiple jurisdictions, can be daunting. 

              How Oaks Legal helps: 

              • Empathetic listening and objective clarification: Our team deeply listens to understand all facets of our client’s goals and helps in the clarification and crystallization of their objectives. 
              • Designing appropriate structures: We advise on and help implement the most suitable structures—be it simple or complex. This may include trusts, private trust companies, wills, lasting powers of attorney, and advanced medical directives. 
              • Establishing family constitutions: We aid in the creation of family constitutions that encapsulate the values and guidelines for managing familial wealth and relationships across generations. 
              • Facilitating family discussions: We guide families in having constructive conversations that address potential conflicts and ensure a smooth transition. 
              • Cross-jurisdictional coordination: For families with assets in multiple countries, we coordinate with foreign counsel to address jurisdictional complexities. 

              At Oaks Legal, our goal is to make the process as seamless and harmonious as possible, ensuring that our clients’ legacies are preserved and cherished by the generations that follow. 

              What are some of the biggest challenges Oaks Legal has faced in the legal industry, and how have you adapted to these changes? 

              In the rapidly evolving legal landscape, Oaks Legal LLC has encountered several significant challenges that have tested our adaptability and commitment to excellence. Among these, the integration of Artificial Intelligence in legal practices and navigating the regulations have been particularly impactful.  

              With recent developments in AI regulation on a global scale, Oaks Legal commits to the ethical use of AI by adopting clear guidelines and protocols that prioritize client confidentiality and fairness. We conduct regular reviews of our AI systems to ensure they meet ethical standards and legal requirements. 

              By actively addressing these challenges, Oaks Legal LLC not only stays ahead in a competitive industry but also upholds the trust and reliability that our clients expect from us. Our proactive approach to embracing change demonstrates our dedication to innovation while maintaining the core values of integrity and professionalism in our practice.

              How has Oaks Legal adapted to the rapidly evolving landscape of crypto and tokenisation, and what unique services do you offer in this area? 

              At Oaks Legal LLC, we have embraced the rapidly evolving sector of crypto and tokenisation by offering a suite of specialized services that address the unique needs of this dynamic field. Our proactive approach ensures that we remain at the forefront of legal innovation, providing our clients with cutting-edge solutions tailored to the latest developments digital tokens. 

              Oaks Legal has successfully guided a client through completing cutting-edge processes involving the tokenisation and issuance of notes by a corporation. Our dedicated team remains at the forefront of legal innovation, ensuring that our services cater to the latest developments in crypto and blockchain technology and regulations.